I need to apologize
I need to apologize for not knowing how to raise my parents
How to raise up from the dead
How to raise up from the bed
How to raise four broken children
When to stop fighting
I need to apologize
For the time I swallowed all of my pills
After googling that it would not kill me
Because maybe it would work for me
This time
Last time
I need to apologize.
I need to apologize for making a home
To unbreak a heart
That was broken long before I was born
For thinking that therapy would heal me
For thinking that mental health meant mental help
And that meds would fix me
You see we are born and bred of pains and pleasure
And we keep reaching reaching for education that will teach us
How to heal
I need to apologize for going to school
To learn something that I had known all along
For believing that my mind would be stronger than my body
This body
This body in this second that was made of every good and bad decision all of my ancestors made
This body
Made perfect
For this moment
for this world
For the weight of all that ever happened
I need to apologize for thinking that thinking was wiser than sensing.
I need to apologize for never being real
Letting people know the deepest parts of me
But never all of me
You see,
Honesty is not supposed to be selective
Just like the stories written in our cells
You can either take it or leave it
You can’t carve out a person
Present it on a platter
To a group of perfect PERFECT strangers
And call yourself authentic
I need to apologize for believing that I died
In that overdose
And that I am reborn
When all that I am
all that I have ever been
And all that I will ever be
Are already written.
